Rohit Mishra

Thoughts which don’t fit in 140 characters.

End of Allotrop

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Despite my best efforts, Allotrop has not been able to attract enough user activity. So, after about 18 months of pursuing this dream, I have decided to move on. The product will stay online for the near future, but I will stop working on it.

I will write a more detailed post on what led me to Allotrop and the things I tried to make it work shortly.

I am extremely thankful to everyone who visited Allotrop and supported me online and offline. I also want to thank my family, especially my father who bankrolled my expenses for the past couple of years. I wish I had more to show for the faith he put in me. I am also extremely lucky to have a girlfriend who has often been the first person to try a new feature I developed and has helped me through all the lows of the past couple of years.

Death by obscurity is one of the worst ways for a startup to go down. I would have preferred being beaten comprehensively by a better product. But, we do not chose how we die, do we?

I will look for a full-time employment or freelance work now. I will also use this time to try out some new things I have not been able to play with for lack of time. Client side MVC frameworks, Scala, Go, Clojure, Node, iOS 7 and Android 4.4. I hope the delight of learning something new will tide over this gloom of failure.
